Friday, March 17, 2006

Going shopping? I don't think so!

Since the weather was decent we decided to go out after naptime to the walking street and do some shopping. This street is for pedestrians only, no bikes,cars,or mopeds. It is about 5 blocks from the hotel. The street has all types of stores and food vendors. It is a very popular hang out.

We got to the street easy enough, but once we got there people kept coming up to us and staring. They liked talking to the twins. The adults would speak to us in Chinese and we couldn't understand any of it! =[ ) It was strange how people would point and talk about you as if you weren't there. People were so obvious about staring. Some people got right in your face to gete a good look at you. There were definately no rules about personal space. Many children would practice their English; they would say things like, "Where ?"are you going?" and "How are you?". It became more and more surreal. As one group of people were taking our pictures, many others would stop too. People just kept coming over! 10, 20, 30, huge crowds and we often got trapped! Then others came over to see what the commotion was all about. Everybody was very nice and friendly and curious. We learned there is no way to not stick out in a crowd in Nanchang! Lisa later told us that they thought we were celebrities. Ha!

We also met lots of little kids and babies. Most kids are carried, but I saw one boy inn a carriage (but not quire american style!)


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