Monday, March 12, 2007

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today our lives changed forever. On March 13, 2006 (China time) - March 12th (US time) we flew into a city called Nanchang to meet our little girls Huan Huan and LeLe. It's a day I'll never forget. There was lots of tears and a few smiles. Someone even peed on her crayons. The girls were even more beautiful in person then in any photographs. It wasn't long before we won them over with puzzles, crayones, and stacking cups. By the next day they called us Mama and Baba - we were a family from the start.

Things we've learned in year:

1. Sophie is a messy eater.

2. Avery still holds the title "Avery Crankers".

3. There's nothing better then hearing "I love you."

4. A close second is when you come home and they run into your arm as if they

haven't seem you in days when it's been only a few hours.

5. Painting nails is fun.

6. The messier the activity the bigger the smile.

7. Cookies are good anytime of the day.

8. Belle and Cinderella are the best princesses in the world.

9. A road atlas is just as interesting as a Winnie the Pooh book.

10. If it drops on the floor- it's Barn and Nala's.

11. Santa is scary - even if it is only Baba

12. Baby Jesus! No one tops him.

13. If it's cold out- put a hat on.

14. There's always time for a dance party.

15. All girls love chocolate.

We could probably go on forever listing all the wonderful and amazing things we've learned in the past year. We are looking forward to all the years ahead that we will share together.


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